Saturday, March 7, 2009


So after the night of sleeplessness I knew that I really needed a good night sleep to even function the next day. So I zoned my little one, applied lots of oils, and got the humidifier out and added oils to that too. We haven't used it in a long time. When I plugged it in the light didn't turn on but it started to produce steam. So I didn't question it. My little one slept all night long! I was so grateful but I didn't know the true extent of the tender mercy until last night. I decided that we should do the humidifier again just to make sure he and I would get a good nights sleep. I plugged it in and no light again, but this time no steam. He slept just fine, all through the night without the humidifier. But what a blessing/miracle that it worked the night before when I needed it the most. Heavenly Father knows us so well!

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