Tuesday, April 27, 2010


At the end of the month it will have been 6 months since my husband started his new job. The job that is 2.5 hours away. The job that has split our family up. Sometimes have been harder than others. The past few weeks have been extremely stressful. Anxieties have been building because of the separation and our house isn't sold yet. Not knowing what to do, how to do it, or how to make things easier or better was adding to the stress. Then one night an answer came to both my husband and I at separate times in separate places. 'Be patient'. It was a peaceful feeling, but also a hard feeling. Thoughts came, How can I keep doing this when there is so much stress when he is gone? How can I feel peace when I have to do it all on my own? I tried not to think of these things. I'm not as stressed as I was. Not that things are easier, it's still extremely hard being a single parent during the week. But at least I do have a husband that gets to come home on the weekends.
Then a couple of nights ago while reading the scriptures with my children more insight came. We were reading in Ether chapter 12. In this chapter Moroni tells us how Ether pleaded with his people to believe in Jesus Christ. Then Moroni goes on to tell how faith blesses the lives of the saints. Over and over again he shows examples of what faith can do. But more importantly he shows that it isn't until AFTER the trial of your faith that blessings come, that miracles happen. Reading that has helped me understand the 'be patient' answer. It's helped me find even more peace. I don't know what the reasons are that our house hasn't sold yet. I don't know why my husband and I need to go through this trial and being separated so much. All I know is that it is the Lord's time and His will, not my own. I thought I was having faith but I need to have more faith and more patients. After all it is not my will but the will of the Father that matters.

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