Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Heartbreaking Prayer

Last night was a little traumatic. It had a great start. All afternoon my oldest (5 years) asked if he could help. I would assign him something to do. When he finished he would come back and ask, "what else Mom?" Next to 'I love you' I think I love those words the most. It was so wonderful. He helped so much. Then my husband called on the phone. He didn't have Internet where he was staying down in Bicknell, so we couldn't video Skype like we usually do. And on top of that he only had 5 minutes to talk. I made sure all of the kids got a turn on the phone and then we said family prayers. After that my oldest switched 180*. He took a book from my youngest. He ran over my second. Then right after a little scolding, stole another book from my youngest! I couldn't believe what was happening! Where did my sweet little helper go? After I got him to settle down and teeth were brushed, it was time for me to listen to their personal prayers. My oldest doesn't need help and says very good thoughtful prayers most of the time. So last night when he paused right in the middle I didn't think much of it until he started sobbing. Through his sobs he was able to get out, "Please bless my dad." As he said those words through his tears my heart broke. That is why he was acting out. He missed his dad. I started to cry right along with him. He had to end his prayer. He just lay there on his bed while I stroked his back crying for his father. I wish I could have done more. I missed him too. I said a little prayer that he would have comfort and he soon was a sleep. I wish I would have seen the signs earlier. I felt so bad for scolding him. Why is it that we can be so blind to the important things like this? I need to be better.

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