Monday, November 19, 2012

Being Led

I haven't mentioned what I do for a little income on the side of being a full time wife and mom to my three littles. And I don't want to get into the details of it. But I want to share with you some of what happened with that aspect of my life that was a great blessing to me and the people that I work with.
I woke up tired this morning. It has taken a few days to get over the hard night I had. So I went back to bed for a little bit after my 2 oldest went to school. When I got up I talked on the phone for a little while  getting things worked out for what food I was going to bring to the upcoming Thanksgiving feast. After that I remembered a bunch of errands I needed to get done. As I drove to the first errand it led me to the building where most of the owners of the company I work for also have their offices. While talking with a friend I ran into I had the thought to go upstairs and see if one of the owners was there. He is someone who I have talked to once and I'm sure he had no recollection of it. :] To my surprise he was there. He took me back to his office and we proceeded to talk. He invited another big wig to join us and we talked for 2 hours problem solving some things that have come up as I have tried to grow the business in another country where we are not currently in yet. After I left I felt good. There were times while we were talking that I would remember something, a concern, that my team and I had had. During the meeting I said several silent prayers of thanks but I didn't truly understand the situation until tonight. Tonight I got on a video call with one of the members of my team that is from the country I talked about earlier. She was very upset and cried while we talked. I had no idea that she was stressed and really having a hard time. Because of some of the things that I was able to discuss in the meeting I had earlier, I was able to help her by answering some of her concerns and questions. I was also able to help her see that things will get better if she sticks with it. I don't know if that makes a whole lot of sense because I have left so many details out of the story. Just know that I truly was led today by the hand of my Heavenly Father to be in the right place at the right time to talk to the right person I needed to talk to. Then I was given the right thoughts of questions to ask so that I could comfort another. I am truly blessed beyond measure!

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