Wednesday, June 16, 2010


My oldest son, who is 6 years old, came up to my husband and I this past weekend. This is what he said to us, "I want to set a goal that I won't watch t.v. for a whole week." I was shocked, surprised, and to be honest a little confused. Where did he get this idea? Not from me. I don't take any credit for it. He is an amazing boy! So my husband and I talked to him about what that goal would mean. We wanted to make sure that he understood what a goal was. We wanted to help him set some rules and guide lines so that he could accomplish his goal. I wasn't sure if he could really do it, so we helped him take the goal down to 4 days to start off with. The goal stood at no t.v. but did not include playing the Wii or the computer.
I watched him very carefully. The first morning, Sunday, instead of waking up and watching T.V. until my husband and I woke up he stayed in his room and played with his toys. Then we went over to my parents home for dinner. The T.V. was on. My brother's were watching a sports game. He stayed by my side in the kitchen or was outside playing with his cousins staying out of the room completely. As soon as the game was over and the T.V. was turned off he ran to my mom and asked her if she would play a Wii game with him. I was so proud of him! Again he showed me his integrity. This same thing continued until today the fourth day. Today I also made my second oldest go without T.V. She didn't think it was fair, but it was really easy for her to do for just one day. It's been so nice not having the T.V. on at all. Hopefully this will help so it won't be on so much this summer.
What an amazing example my son is to me. This experience has helped me to remember how important goals are, especially righteous ones. And then try our hardest to reach them. I think it's time to go over my new year's resolutions and see how I am doing. How are you doing?

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