Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy

Wow, so much has happened to both my family and I over the last month. Remember when it was "raining and pouring, and then the lightening and thunder came"? Well after I was able to repent and listen to the Lord I started to feel peace, mostly about my husband's job situation. We really didn't have any new prospects at the time but there was so much peace in our home. Both my husband and I knew that this was the Lord's plan the whole time. Back in November when things really started to get hard (being apart all of the time), we fasted and prayed about what to do. The first answer I received was, "You prayed about accepting the job, but you never prayed about moving there." It was a really strange answer to get. So we started praying about when to move. We really didn't get an answer and decided to act in faith. I took a trip down to where my husband works. We spent two days looking at apartments to rent. We found two that we really liked. When I got back home we had decided to rent out our house, move and rent one of these apartments. After we made those decisions everything started to fall apart. Nothing worked out, so we stayed here through the holidays thinking we were going to be able to move sometime at the beginning of this year. Then all of the lightening and thunder came (the flood and the mold trial/disaster). What a blessing that we were here and not renting to someone else when all of that happened.
Now on to even better news and blessings. My husband found a new job. It is the perfect job for him. It was like he was made for it. After he was interview for the position the employer even told him that she wasn't going to interview anyone else until he told her what he was going to do. This job is exactly what he wants to be doing, it's only 25 minutes away instead of 2.5 hours, so that means he will be moving back home with us. Next week is his last week at his current job. The last week he will be away from us. Then he starts his new job the week after that. The timing couldn't have been more perfect. I was told once in a blessing that I would be able to look back over my life and see how the Lord had guided me. I can see that now in this situation with my family. The Lord was in charge the whole time and we have been blessed because we have tried to do His will and work on His time line. It hasn't been easy, I've posted about that :], but it has been worth it. I am so thankful for an eternal Father who constantly watches out for me and my family.