Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Car Trouble

So Tuesday, on the way home from seeing the doctors, my engine light came on. The car started acting funny so I had my dad look at it. He suggested to get it in to see what was wrong. I didn't have time, so I planned on doing it first thing Wednesday morning. I got up, got the kids ready, and just after dropping off my oldest to school we headed straight over to our mechanics. I was about 9 blocks or so away when the car stopped moving. The RPM's would rev up but nothing over 20 miles an hour. I thought I should stop, but then how cold I possibly get there and I had two children with me. So I kept on going. We barley made it there. They hooked it up to the computer and it was bad. So much in fact they had to send us to a specialist up the street. So we got back in the car and drove up the street with the hazards on. The specialist said we had lost third gear. We needed to have a new transmission, and it needed to be built from scratch so it could handle the power of the engine. And that's not what the real problem was. The Tork converter, I won't even pretend to know what that is, completely fell apart. It's parts and fluid went into the transmission and that is why we lost third gear. So we need a new one of those too.
Now having said all of that, and understanding that this is just more stress to me, I can't help but remember all of the little blessings that we received. We didn't have any car trouble while we were in Vegas last weekend. We would have been stranded and it would have cost a bundle more. I was able to drive the car to a few places I needed to go after the 'check engine' light came on. I made it to the mechanics with my two kids just fine. My dad came and helped me so I wouldn't be taken advantage of while my hubby is gone. He also picked up my oldest from school.
The Lord knows when things are going to happen and He truly takes care of us. When it rains it pours but there are always blessings in the rain.

1 comment:

  1. Your tender mercy stories inspire me. You are so great to always look for the blessings in life, even through the trials. The Lord truly watches out for us.
