Monday, August 10, 2009

Talk in Church

I've been busy studying for my talk that I gave yesterday in church. It was on keeping covenants. It's a hard topic to give a talk on. There are many wonderful but sacred covenants that we make in the Temple and do not talk about specifically outside of the Temple. So I used tons of quotes that were given in General Conferences. I also tried to talk more about the blessings we receive when we keep our covenants. Here are some of the quotes I used that I just loved.
Paul E. Koelliker (“Gospel Covenants Bring Promised Blessings,” Liahona, Nov 2005, 94–95) said,
Covenants are agreements we make with our Heavenly Father in which we commit our hearts, minds, and behavior to keeping the commandments defined by the Lord. As we are faithful in keeping our agreement, He covenants, or promises, to bless us, ultimately with all that He has.

Bonnie D. Parkin said,
“So often we talk of making and keeping covenants, but exactly what are they? At baptism, we demonstrate that we ‘are willing to bear one another’s burdens, … mourn with those that mourn; … comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and … stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places’ (Mosiah 18:8–9). And that’s just the beginning! In the temple, we further covenant to be obedient, to sacrifice, to keep ourselves worthily pure, to contribute to the spreading of truth, to be chaste, to pray, to live the gospel, and to be forever faithful”... Father in Heaven knows us as individuals. The covenants we make with Him are performed one on one. President Howard W. Hunter noted: “I have always been impressed that the Lord deals with us personally, individually. We do many things in groups in the Church, … but … the most important things are done individually. We bless babies one at a time, even if they are twins or triplets. We baptize and confirm children one at a time. We take the sacrament, are ordained to the priesthood, or move through the ordinances of the temple as individuals—as one person developing a [personal] relationship with our Father in Heaven. … Heaven’s emphasis is on each individual, on every single person” (“Eternal Investments,” address to CES religious educators, 10 Feb. 1989, p. 4; emphasis added). Covenants keep us new. Covenants anchor us to solid ground, which, amidst the storms, makes our promises not only meaningful for eternity but vital for today. (“Celebrating Covenants,” Ensign, May 1995, 78).
I just love how she talks about the individualness of covenants!! It really does make the covenants we've made with our Heavenly Father that much more special!
Richard J. Maynes said, (“Keeping Our Covenants,” Ensign, Nov 2004, 92)
Brothers and sisters, we are all looking forward to the day when we can return home to our Heavenly Father. In order to qualify for exaltation in the celestial kingdom, we must gain the trust of the Lord here on earth. We gain the trust of the Lord through earning it, and that is accomplished through our actual performance in living His gospel and keeping our covenants. In other words, we earn the trust of the Lord by doing His will.
“Safety in Keeping Divine Covenants,” Ensign, Oct 2001, 57 visiting teaching message:
As we bind ourselves to God by obeying sacred covenants, we are blessed with protective power against the adversary. Especially during times of trial, covenants can give us strength.
D. Todd Christofferson said, (“The Power of Covenants,” Ensign, May 2009, 19–23)
Divine covenants make strong Christians. I urge each one to qualify for and receive all the priesthood ordinances you can and then faithfully keep the promises you have made by covenant. In times of distress, let your covenants be paramount and let your obedience be exact. Then you can ask in faith, nothing wavering, according to your need, and God will answer. He will sustain you as you work and watch. In His own time and way He will stretch forth his hand to you, saying, “Here am I.”
I was so thankful for the opportunity to give this talk. I learned so much! I know that it is because I have kept my covenants with my Father in Heaven that I have been able to endure this trial. I have been blessed by the Lord!
If you would like more information leave me you email address and I'll send you more information on keeping covenants.

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